32feet: Top 5 Desert Island records?
Twin Sister: We each did one:
Andrea: T-Rex - The Slider
Bryan: Can - Future Days - "Never gets old"
Eric: Björk - Vespertine
Gabel: Van Dyke Parks - Discover America - "It'd make things pleasant on an average afternoon on the island."
Udbhav: Tom Zé - Todos os Olhos - "I feel like it'd be pretty good beach music"
You guys recently got written up favorably by Pitchfork. Talk about the "Pfork Effect." Did things change? Were you irritated they discovered Vampires With Dreaming Kids so late? Are you allowed to say anything negative about them or will they blacklist you like indie-rock's Joe McCarthy? This question is 75% serious.
We really loved that they used the picture of Luna, Andrea's cat strutting around in the backyard. It brought a lot of people to our website and music for the first time, so there's definitely nothing negative to say about it. We don't mind that Pitchfork was late to the party, they have to cover a lot of bands, all of whom have something we've never had, publicists. We're still broke, trying to figure out how to quit our day jobs and do this music thing for real. We've been contacted by a handful of labels we've always thought were pretty cool but it's a little early in the game for things like that right now. They probably know that too. We're just trying to get this new EP out, pronto.
Your band is being ship-wrecked and help will not arrive in time. There is one life jacket. Who gets it and why?
Eric says: "Dev's computer, we could still somewhat perform if that computer survives."
Udbhav says: "First off, Andrea hates boats, so I don't think she'd even be on the ship, which leaves 4 of us. Second, we'd probably give the lifejacket to Eric's Silvertone guitar and Gabe's bass, they're irreplaceable!"
Bryan says: "I say we'd all let Dev live because we owe him some money. It would only be fair. Although Andrea is deathly afraid of water, so who knows. Wouldn't be me, that's for sure."
Gabel says: "Bryan"
Dre didn't say anything cause she knows better than to be on that boat.
Can you let us in on your plans for 2010?
First and foremost, release Color Your Life. We've been working so hard on it for so long and we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. After that we should be touring quite a bit, trying to get out there and see the world and learning how to sing together. Maybe even a summer 7" if all goes well. Also, we want to conceive of and release a song that becomes popular among infants.
What is the one thing people should absolutely remember about Twin Sister that they have no clue about?
Two equally important things. Ginger is a song about baby ginger roots, not redheads. Andrea's dog Amelia (a puggle) has a rhinestone cowboy hat.
Listen :: Twin Sister - "Ginger"
Bonus :: Twin Sister - "Ribbon Bow"
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