32feet: Last five songs played on your iTunes? Only lie if
they're super awful or incriminating.
Bradley Oberhofer:
1. “Stillness of the Mind”- Abel Korzeniowski
2. “Flytrap”- Ace Tone Fuzz Master
3. “Black Rice”- Women
4. “You Have My Eyes Now”- Clues
5. “Cold Wind”- Arcade Fire
Describe the thought process behind naming a band after your last name. If this trend had taken off in the early 1990s, we all we could have loved and then boycotted, simply, Matthews' "Ants Marching." Subquestion: Was it tempting to ironically name yourself The Bradley Oberhofer Band? (I recognize you address this in dramatic succinctness on your myspace.)
I could really just never come up with anything else I felt enthusiastic about. There were a lot of things I considered, but I didn't find anything else as interesting. “Teeth” was taken, and I was contemplating a few others. Someone nearly convinced me to change the name to “Quick Tit”. Part of me regrets not taking their advice. I would never call it my band mostly because the live show is way better than the recordings thanks to the other people in the band. (Mike, Andrew, Pete). I kind of just like the meter of my last name.
I called your songs post-apocalyptic, orchestral pop. How far off is that?
I mean, as of now it's not as orchestral as I can afford, but it's definitely post-apocalyptic. I think I aspire more toward “apocalyptic”, than “post-apocalyptic”.
If Oberhofer was stranded on a sinking ship and help wasn't going to arrive in time, who gets the only life preserver you find?
Well Andrew's beard is pretty buoyant, and Mike can swim like a fish. So, Pete gets the life preserver, plus he's the cutest.
What is the biggest secret plan for the band in 2010 that you can tell us right now?
Well I mean, if it were secret, I wouldn’t tell you. Let’s leave this part mysterious.
Ok, fair. What is one thing people should absolutely remember about Oberhofer that they don't know or consistantly get wrong?
That I wouldn’t be able to achieve much at all without the band I play with (Andrew, Mike and Pete), but I also really want people to pay more attention to the musical talent that exists in Tacoma, WA. It’s there. Sorry, that’s two things.
Listen :: Oberhofer - "I Could Go"
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