
beat radio :: "the best and the brightest"

Brian Sendrowitz of beat radio has a penchant for lower case letters and lo-fi pop music. With a couple albums in the can and a collection of 2010 singles building, beat radio's latest effort, "the best and the brightest" is predictably reflective. Sendrowitz exists in the new, modern luminosity, somewhere between being someone everyone knows and being an unknown that a few people are desperately loyal to. Of course, like everyone else, he searches for connective tissue in his work, in his art. A whirling arrangement, "the best and the brightest" tumbles in on itself like an imploding, forgotten sports arena in a Rust Belt city bent on rejuvenating downtown. With lyrics of past times like, "we were looking for something/someone we used to know," you picture an empty city, a lost protagonist and a search worth searching for.

Listen :: beat radio - "the best and the brightest"

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