
Olympic Swimmers :: "Knots"

A ripping little arrangement, Olympic Swimmers' single "Knots" rolls along on a firm bass line and the fractious vocals of lead singer Susie Smillie. At times "Knots" speaks in the language of dream-pop, winsome guitars locked in an ethereal struggle for existence, while at others Smillie's voice breaks upwards into a crystalline falsetto and recalls, bizarrely, a less thrashing Ritzy Bryan of Joy Formidable. Scottish pop sensibilities - Olympic Swimmers, another in a long line of great Glasgow bands - color the edges, everything a bit shrouded in a reverb and touches of fuzz, but with enough clarity to describe the architecture of moral victories in grey cities so twisted and tangled, you might reasonably never find your way out.

Listen :: Olympic Swimmers - "Knots"

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