
The Head And The Heart :: "Lost In My Mind"

Like a staircase with little regard for its surrounding architecture or general utility, Sub Pop's edifying folk band, The Head And The Heart have never seen a major key they didn't like and are firmly setting a course for higher elevations. On "Lost In My Mind" they begin small, a tiny acoustic guitar progression (it's folk; what did you expect?) before opening up to bigger and bigger and bigger harmonies. Like Mumford and Sons if you swapped the banjos for keys ("I hear that you and your band have sold your banjos and bought pianos/ I hear that you and your band have sold your pianos and bought banjos") The Head And The Heart channel life affirming lyrics and chord progressions. These are songs made to feel like something to everyone, like all great pop, just oblique enough to allow for interpretation and just general enough to apply to almost any part of the human condition. But this, like Hegel or Icarus, is built only for the sky, however flawed that premise may be.

Listen :: The Head And The Heart - "Lost In My Mind"

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