After an absolutely whirlwind few weeks, three afternoons ago we set sail east from San Francisco on our return trip to New York. Our cross-country journey is still a week from over, but perched in the south of Texas I am reminded of our first discovery of the Pacific ocean like four silly Lewis and Clarks. Rolling through the night air north of San Diego, we turned up
Local H's "California Songs," a complete obliteration of West Coast Mystique. Two weeks later, Omaha, Nebraska's
Landing On The Moon have their own rocket-propelled anthem about Pacific nights and sun-washed days and how unlike they are to the lunch-pail grind of the Midwest. And if there is a single truth about this country, it is certainly that our own private mythologies are what hold us together and rip us apart. And for us East Coast kids, you can never get further away than California.
Listen :: Landing On The Moon - "California"
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