
Work Drugs :: "Lisbon Teeth"

Philadelphia's Work Drugs unleash a new single, "Lisbon Teeth" concerned with a listing and sun-blasted summer in Europe. The kind where you wake up on a roof in Seville and drive to Portugal because it's within your reach and there's nothing else to do. The kind where you end up swimming in the Mediterranean at 7am not because you rose early but because Barcelona's clubs turned you out with the rising of the sun. Work Drugs take this pan-Europeanism at full volume, lilting and washing synthesizers backing an attractive melody. It's falling asleep on the lawn across from Buckingham Palace; it's sleeping on the streets of Berlin and in the commuter parking lots of Swiss train stations. It's waking to the border patrol and their dogs. In short, it's fun, an ode to that unique mixture of youth, travel and disposable income, a cocktail as confusing and sweet as it is ephemeral.

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