
Tango In The Attic :: "Mona Lisa Overdrive"

If Tokyo Police Club took their signing bonus from Saddle Creek in 2006 and moved to Scotland with the intention of playing nothing but surf-rock and post-punk, they might have become Tango In The Attic and written their glittering and awesomely shabby single, "Mona Lisa Overdrive". It is washed out, angular guitar pop with the same vaguely confessional vocals that sound like something broadcast through wax microphones and tin can telephones. Vibration is the operating principle as the song crashes to its conclusion, at once full of unrealized potential and enough seemingly unintentional hooks to stick in the consciousness and remain lodged there. It is the same kind of shabbiness and energy that made "Nature Of The Experiment" function in 2006. "We're halfway up the bracket," you remember the first couplet of the second verse from six years ago, before mouthing, "the rain comes through my jacket", another in a long list of things that are instantly memorable whether they mean to be or not: "Mona Lisa Overdrive".

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